The Fangreaders Awards: "Meet the Authors" Click here to read the interviews

Friday 15 March 2013

Meet the Authors Part 26




The Dr Ludwig Award    Best Novella/ Novelette Length Fanfic

Fanfic must be at least 2 chapters AND No more than 40,000 words. Completed Fanfics Only.


“Angel of Mercy”


The Interview

1. What inspired you to write and how long have you been writing?
This is so boring but I have no idea what inspired me to write. I just remember realizing at some point that there were stories developing in my head that involved my favourite characters. It was probably a year later that it finally clicked that I could write them down, and then could even post them for other people to see. That was four years ago—which means I was sixteen—and I’m saying that in defense of my earlier writing, which I have yet to reread for fear of it being terrible.

2. Do you have a plan for the end of your story or do you make it up as you go along?
It really depends on the story. My earlier stuff was more of the latter, but eventually I figured out that it made things difficult especially since I would always think up new subplots or foreshadowing or plot-points after I’d posted the chapter. I’ve now gotten to the point where I write the story until it’s at least fifty or so pages on Word before I even think of posting the first chapter, so I usually have a pretty good idea of how things are going to go.

3. Who are your favorite SVM/TB characters and why?
Oh man, that’s a tough one. I like specific things about all the characters, I think. Like a lot of other people, I love Eric and Pam, and their bromantic relationship specifically. I also love Lafayette and his sass, and how hilariously dumb Jason is. On TB specifically, I adored Jesus and his adorableness all around.

4. What was the first fan fiction story that you read?
I needed to dig through my Fave Stories for this one, because I honestly don’t even remember. It was either Let Love In by Terri Botta, or Left For Dead by Malanna, both in early 2009. Both stories have such a rich storyline, chock full of mythology, and they were right up my alley before I even figured out how much I love the stuff. I remember loving the stories so much that it actually inspired me to write my own stuff down and to do things with them, beyond just keeping them to myself.
I also learned a lot of sexy things from Let Love In.

5. What question would you like to be asked and never have been?
Oooh! Hmm. It would be cool—thought admittedly a bit narcissistic—to be asked about how much of myself I put into my characters, and how many aspects of my life bleed into the stories.

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