The Fangreaders Awards: "Meet the Authors" Click here to read the interviews

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Meet the Authors Part 19

    The Lorena Ball Award     Best Oh My God Sex Scene Fanfic
    This award is for a fanfic that has at least one sex scene that made you say "Oh My God"
    “The Vikings Pet: The Full Story”
    “A Remembered Seduction”
    The Alcide Herveaux Award     Best Were Fanfic
    Any size fanfic that has Weres as the main characters.
    “Chasing My Tail”
    The Interview
    1. What inspired you to write and how long have you been writing?

I wrote my first one shot in July 2010. I suppose my main inspiration was other SVM/TB Fan Fiction. I didn't realise it existed before I stumbled across a story, when I worked out it was just 'normal' people writing then I began think about writing my own.
    2. Do you have a plan for the end of your story or do you make it up as you go along?
With all my completed stories I have known exactly what the ending will be, but only had a vague plan for getting there. I do tend to meander a bit, especially with Viking's Pet. That was my first story and I had no idea how long it would take me to get where I was going, or how long it would take me to actually write it.
    3. Who are your favorite SVM/TB characters and why?
Eric is the obvious answer, so I will give Alcide a mention just to try and be different!
He was one of the first characters I read about before I saw the True Blood version, but Joe Manganiello was just how I pictured Alcide, except that he was even bigger!
In SVM I think Maria-Star was the love of his life, and he lost her. Now all he has to concentrate on is his pack, which is making him a bit of a mess! I really hope he gets a Happy Ever After by the end of the books.
          4. What was the first fan fiction story that you read?
I remember being stunned by an explicit one-shot, that had Eric and Pam in Fangtasia's basement, but I don't remember the title. All I could think was “Do people really put this on the internet where everyone can read it?”
After that I spent whole weekends reading Fics like Late, Eric and Pour Some Sugar On Me. I couldn't get enough of them!
    5. What question would you like to be asked and never have been?
I'm a review junkie, but don't get many questions.
What I really want is for Season 4 Eric to ask me “Would you like to be mine?” and I'd answer “Hell, yes!”

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