The Fangreaders Awards: "Meet the Authors" Click here to read the interviews

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Meet The Authors …

 Hello Fangreaders, …  As you all know voting is in full swing for the 2013 Fangy Awards … We thought you might like to get to know the authors a little better so, here is the first of many interviews
The Hoyt Fortenberry Award    Best All Human Fanfic
This award is for a fanfic that has no supernatural characters.
“Where Were You”
The Lorena Ball Award   Best Oh My God Sex Scene Fanfic
This award is for a fanfic that has at least one sex scene that made you say "Oh My God"
“An Elegant Death”
The Lafayette Reynolds Award   Best Alternate Universe Fanfic
For the purpose for this award Alternate Universe A/U means any fic that
takes the characters out of the "canonical" world of SVM or True Blood
“An Elegant Death”
The Sookie Stackhouse Award   Best Rothmantic Fanfic
“Precious Love”
The Interview
1. What inspired you to write and how long have you been writing?
My inspiration was initially my son. When he was little, we would spend time a Children’s Hospital in Boston, MA. For a three year old, going from doctor to doctor could be as entertaining as watching grass grow. Though the hospital does try to entertain the children, I would entertain him by inventing stories that we would keep going through the course of the day.
When I started reading fanfiction, he reminded me that I used to make up the “best stories”, in his opinion and suggested I try my hand at the genre. So this obsession (and that’s what it is) can be blamed completely on him.
Now my inspiration comes from my beta team, my partner in crime (my cheerleader and storyline critic) as well as my readers. Any time I think my muse has left me, they are there to bring me back on point. I would be nothing without them.
I’ve been writing for four years now. My first story was Deathly Fashion Sense that I started in the summer of 2009. Hopefully my writing has improved over time.
2. Do you have a plan for the end of your story or do you make it up as you go along?
I usually have a very solid plan for my stories when I begin them. But then my muse takes over or a character starts popping out and wants to be heard and suddenly the story is going in a direction I never could have possibly imagined. One of my stories has taken on a life of it’s own (okay several). I know where they will end up. The question is, where will the journey take us before we end up there? I will tell you that I have several notebooks of outlines that have had to be re-written in the last few years. Funny how the characters develop without you realizing it.
3. Who are your favorite SVM/TB characters and why?
Is it cliché to say, Eric? Goodness do I love him!! Who couldn’t love Eric? Even when he’s being bad, we still love him. But I also love Sookie and Pam. I can relate to Pam’s snarky ways in the books and in the show. Though some of the things Sookie does makes me want to pull my hair out. I have a little secret I’d like to confess, I haven’t read the books past nine (Dead and Gone) I know, but I just…well, I haven’t and I’m really nervous about the last story. I hope CH gives us a happy ending with the final installment, but I’m not too sure she will.
As for TB – who couldn’t love Russell Edgington? How AB developed that character was a laugh riot! I will miss him.
4. What was the first fan fiction story that you read?
The first fan fiction I read was Late by Morgaine Swann.
5. What question would you like to be asked and never have been? (please include Answer).
Now this is a hard one. I would say, Does my family and friends know I write and do they read my stories? The answer: Yes, most, if not all my family and friends know I write. Do they read it? Well, that’s another story. Some of the people I know read my stories but I don’t think my husband does but I know some of his friends have checked out my site (and even kidded him on my author’s name). Oh, and if I catch my sixteen year old reading most of my stories, he and I will be having a discussion. I don’t write my stories for children. With that being said, many of my friends read one of my stories or another. I write really different stories from each other so I think there is a little something for everyone. Actually my mother-in-law wanted to read one of my stories but she blushed when I had her watch True Blood with me, so I think we are going to steer her away from An Elegant Death and Precious Love. I think she would like Where were you, though.

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