The Fangreaders Awards: "Meet the Authors" Click here to read the interviews

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Meet the Authors Part 7

All About Eric
The following nominations are for the fan fiction
Immortal Beloved
“Immortal Beloved”
The Callisto Award   Best Written Erotic Fanfic
This award is for a fanfic that excels in the art of lemon writing.
The Lorena Ball Award     Best Oh My God Sex Scene Fanfic
This award is for a fanfic that has at least one sex scene that made you say "Oh My God"
The Russell Edgington Award     Best Villain in a Fanfic
This award is for a fanfic that has the best villain.  Character can be canon or original character.
The Bubba Award     Most Original Plot for a Fanfic
This award is for a fanfic that has the most original plot line.  Characters can be canon or A/U.
The Ancient Pythoness Award  Best Fanfic Published Before 2011
This is for fanfics that were published before January 1st 2011.
The Lafayette Reynolds Award   Best Alternate Universe Fanfic
For the purpose for this award Alternate Universe A/U means any fic that takes the characters out of the "canonical" world of SVM or True Blood
The Charles Twining Award     Best Action Fanfic
Any size fanfic that has at least one well written action scene
The Eric Northman Award     Best Epic Fanfic
Fanfic must be at least 25 chapters AND 200,000 words
The Sookie Stackhouse Award     Best Romantic Fanfic
Pick your favourite swoon worthy fanfic for this award. 
The Interview
1. What inspired you to write and how long have you been writing?
I was a TB fan and used to go onto the TrueBlood Wiki. Of course, they have a lot of good stories, and some of them are linked to Fanfiction, and that’s how I got into it. I read a lot before a small plot bunny started hopping around in my head, and I very cautiously put Happy Anniversary out there to see what the response was. This was in November 2010, so just over two years ago. I’d never written anything before in my life (as you can tell from HA - it’s pretty rough round the edges).
2. Do you have a plan for the end of your story or do you make it up as you go along?
It’s pretty much made up as I go along, which is a real headache when trying to keep track of continuity. Sometimes it’s just a really strong visual in my head which I write towards. Bizarrely (or possibly very revealingly) the first scene that occurred to me for Immortal Beloved was Sookie and Pam’s meeting with Ocella. The rest of the story grew towards and then away from that point.
3. Who are your favorite SVM/TB characters and why?
Hello? Have you met me? I’m All About Eric and always will be. Reasons? How long have you got…
Mind you, I’m also very fond of La-la, because he’s such an honest character. He doesn’t attempt to hide who or what he is, and I admire that.
And, of course, everybody loves Pam.
4. What was the first fan fiction story that you read?
Not sure I can remember the very first, but I know Pour Some Sugar On Me was one of the early ones, and it impressed me mightily.
5. What question would you like to be asked and never have been?
I would like to be asked “would you like a publishing deal, which would involve vast amounts of money, and would include a film, the hero to be played by Alexander Skarsgard, with whom you would be expected to have many long, private meetings?”
Answer) “Yes.” (a girl can dream *sigh*)

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