The Fangreaders Awards: "Meet the Authors" Click here to read the interviews

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Meet the Authors Part 6

The Baby Jessica Award  Best Fanfic for a New Author
This award is for a fanfic from a first time author who has posted their first story after 1st of January 2012.
“OHHH for the Love of Zombies”
The Interview
1. What inspired you to write and how long have you been writing?
I started writing on a whim, I was asked to participate in a Fic Exchange where we were given a prompt to follow and my story evolved from there. So the writing started then, so a little over a year now. I wrote when I was younger but nothing like this. It was usually just the writing down of my dreams and expanding on them... I have always had a wild imagination so I think that helps me out a bit plus I love to throw in real life themes as you can see in my stories.
2. Do you have a plan for the end of your story or do you make it up as you go along?
For “OOHH for the Love of Zombies”, it started as a One shot and ended up 7 chapters. I had an outline and followed it but made it up as I went along, it just kept getting bigger and bigger; I was so afraid people would hate it, I am my own worst critic. I do plan on having a sequel; however the story was ended in such a way that the sequel is not needed but asked for by the followers so I am putting one together for them.
3. Who are your favorite SVM/TB characters and why?
My all time favorite characters from SVM are Eric and Sookie but from TB, Lafayette and Eric. Why you say, hmm, in the books Eric and Sookie always had a love hate relationship and I have watched it grow and fell in love with the characters as they have falling in love with each other, as for how they are now toward the end of the series, I don’t like either of them very much because they are both very stubborn people and that will be their downfall (I am very stubborn too, I do see their points but compromise is in neither of their vocabularies)… we will have to see what Charlaine Harris gives us in the final book. As for TB, Eric is a favorite of mine, he has so many facets of his character that I forget sometimes he is Vampire. He can be your friend or your foe and he is not bad to look at (sigh). As for Lafayette, I love him, all of his flamboyant self. He is a character and is a person who doesn’t care about what others think of him... He is strong willed and self aware, he doesn’t need other people to survive and for that very character trait he will preserver above all others.
4. What was the first fan fiction story that you read?
My first fanfic story was Teri Botta’s “Let Love In”. It is a classic and it got me started in the fanfic world.
5. What question would you like to be asked and never have been?
Hmmm, I really don’t know… I guess it would be, “why do I continue to write when a bad review comes my way?” I believe in free speech and that includes the writing of my stories, which in all intents and purposes is My Story not the nasty reviewer.... I may have not been the originator of the character but the stories I write come from my heart. I research a lot of what I write about, I want to be as factual as possible… Real Life stories are a favorite of mine so I guess that’s why they are easier to write then the supernatural side of the canon. The all human aspect makes it easier to say what I need to say. Not saying that I would ever not write the supernatural side but for now AH is where I am writing. The funny thing is I have 8 outlines of new stories to be written with all human content. But when a review comes through bashing my story and its content or direction it is heading it makes me believe I have not done my job right. I know other writers have the same issue and we continue on, but it still rocks you to your very core that maybe you are terrible at what you do. I know everyone has their own opinion and critiques are always welcome but blatant bashing or nastiness is not. I write my stories as an extension of myself and I wield and guide them in a way for all readers to enjoy; I am not one for instant gratification of my characters (HEA) but they get there sooner or later… Sometimes much later if you are reading “If Dreams Come True” you will understand; I am called a tease more times than not and it makes me chuckle knowing I am doing my job right. If that makes any sense?
Thanks for talking with me Hugs and My Best Kristie

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