The Fangreaders Awards: "Meet the Authors" Click here to read the interviews

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Chronicles of an Adventure

Last night Musingsbychar revealed her idea to have a fandom wide collaborative event.  All that would like to write, or create graphics, or make videos or any other creative expressions are asked to join in.

The Chronicles of an Adventure is the name of this venture and you can see more information on it’s website  (Blog still under construction)

COA Banner 1

The Project

This is a true writing collaboration. You will be given a preface and a few details that must be used to solve a mystery. Each week the chapters that have been written will be uploaded and voted on with a public vote. The winning chapter will be the NEXT weeks premise for the upcoming chapter. (example winning chapter from 1 will be the basis for writing chapter 2, etc) Writers have 8 chapters to solve the mystery. All the chapters will be posted on the blog site as well as on fan fiction. Voting will be open for from Wed-Sat night at 12pm CST

The Rules

1. You must develop a supernatural character (s) that will play a large role in the mystery and its` solution.

2. Chapters are limited to 700-1000 words max (not including story form)

3. ALL CHAPTERS must be Betad and the header must be included with the story. It does NOT count towards the chapter length


Author's name ~


Chapter number and Title (if you have one) ~

4. All chapters must address the prompts given for the next weeks chapter

5. Chapters are due no later than Sunday of the following week. The first chapter will be due on April 1st. Voting will be open from Wed-Saturday night at 12pm CST

6. Send all entries to

7. You may not post your stories on your own Fan. Fiction site until the end of the project. You may however link to the stories.

8. Stories should be written for all ages.

Your Preface

Eric Northman has received a call from his long time friend, Gabriella Calabrese AKA (Gabby) who is the Sheriff of Area 7, Chicago. Her bonded, a human named Matthew Gregorian has disappeared and Gabby is frantic to find him and asks Eric for help. Gabby has explained that their bond has been severely severed somehow and she can tell he’s alive but that’s about all she can tell from the bond. The only other clues Eric has been able to find so far have been that Matthew disappeared sometime during Gabriella’s rest.

You can follow on:


More updates coming soon




Thursday, 22 March 2012

New Drabble Challenge on the Fang_readers Community on LiveJournal

Welcome the new

Drabble Challenge on the

Fang_readers Community on LiveJournal 

by Broughps

Drabble Challenge

Hello everyone, Broughps here. In a bloodless coup (I was asked) I’ve taken over the Fangreader Drabble Challenge. Most of you have probably seen my drabbles in previous challenges. As your new dictator (facilitator) I’m going to change things up a bit. Starting today I’m giving you the chance to come up with prompts (simple one word prompts please), characters (yes they must be from the books/show not your own) and character pairings. I’ll give you a couple of weeks to come up with some ideas. I’ll then put a completed list up and you can have at it. I figure we’ll use the list for a few weeks to see how creative you all can be. You’ll be able to use any of the prompts with any of the characters/character pairings. Every four to six weeks or so we’ll switch out prompt/character lists.

Leave your prompt/character/character pairing suggestions in the comment section.

1. Your drabble should be 100 words. No more, no less.
2. No original characters.
3. Your drabble must be self-contained. It must have a beginning, middle and an end nor it cannot be part of a larger story.
4. Drabbles can be written any time during the current round of prompts. When the time period is up no more postings on those prompts will be accepted. If you really like a prompt and can’t post your drabble in the time period allotted, feel free to suggest that prompt again, just know that it may or may not be used on the next prompt list.
5. Drabbles must be posted in the comments section below. This means you must have a Live Journal account and be a member of the fangreaders community.

Please be sure to sign up to Fang_readers Community on LiveJournal in order to be able to participate.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Reader’s Review


Name of Story: Dead Set

Author of Story :  Happily Eric After

Main Characters:  Sookie & Eric

URL of the story:

On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate the following?

1. Did the Summary give an accurate description of the story? Yes  

2. How would you rate the writing? 7

3. How would you rate the originality of the plot? 9

4. Were the lemons well written? 8

5. Was the main female character well written? Absolutely!

6. Was the main male character well written?  Yes

7. Did the story pull you in emotionally? 

     __ Laugh   __ Cry __ Angry   _X__All

8. If complete  did the ending leave you satisfied or did you feel there were loose ends?

     ___ Satisfied   __ Left loose ends    _X__ Not complete 

Overall Rating: How many Fangs would you give this story on a scale of 1-10?  9

Give us a few comments about the story

Picks up from the end of Dead Reckoning. We see a well written Sookie preparing to take control of her life and fight her man - but will it be enough to keep them together? Can the Queen of Oklahoma tear apart the love they have for each other?
The ideas of the story could be the next Sookie book (if we didn't already have a synopsis). The author is working hard to tie up lose ends while still fighting to give Sookie & Eric their happily ever after. Well written original ideas. All of the story is from Sookie's POV but author is now working on a story from Eric's POV to fill in the blanks

Name of Reviewer:  Becs83

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Please Welcome New Author



Title: Dead Alone

Cannon Eric/Sookie  Angst/Romance/Drama

This story is currently 23 chapters. I post at least once a week.


Sookie makes choices that tear her from everything she knows and set into motion changes and events that never could have been predicted. How will she evolve and can she ever balance her heart's desire with her need for secrecy? Explores Sookie's hitherto unknown genetic line. Set partway through Dead Reckoning.

Rated M for lemons and violence.

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Author Updates ….

Hello FangReaders …. today I bring you good news … a couple of our authors have updated their pages with NEW stories …

FanOTheFang  located here:      author of The Viking’s Pet: The Full Story  has started a new story titled: A Remembered Seduction  so be sure to drop in and give it a read….remember to  show her how much you enjoy the story by leaving reviews …

California Kat  located here:  author of Back & Forth and Offers has posted the teaser for the sequel to  B & F  titled: Come Back to Me …  Be sure to get over there and put it on your favorites  so that you can get in at the beginning, my understanding is that she will start posting next Saturday …. Remember to show her how much you enjoy the story by leaving reviews …

Also Remember to fill out the Reader’s Review form  located on this page anytime you read a great True Blood or SVM story so that we can share it with others ….  
Happy Reading School

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Reader Review

Name of Story: Into His Web I Went
Author of Story : camp30
Main Characters: Sookie, Eric
URL of the story:
On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate the following?
1. Did the Summary give an accurate description of the story? Yes
2. How would you rate the writing? 10 - No distractions to the storyline due to spelling or grammar.  The author obviously cares about the quality of her work.
3. How would you rate the originality of the plot? 
4. If there were Lemons how would you rate them? 10 - Not fluff filled gratuitous sex. It is a defining part of their love/hate relationship.
5. Was the main female character well written?  Yes.  She understands the reality of the world she lives in and hates the fact that she was born a woman into a world dominated by men that considered her nothing more than property.  It's very easy to forget that she's only 15 years old.
6. Was the main male character well written? Yes, very well written.  Another tortured soul.  Forced to live in a world and family that doesn't understand him but expects him to live his life in a predetermined manner.  
7.  Did the story pull you in emotionally?   Yes, I cried and got angry
8.  If complete did the ending leave you satisfied or did you feel
     there were loose ends? not complete, still a Work In Progress
Overall Rating: How many Fangs would you give this story on a scale of 1-10?  10 Fangs 
Give us a few comments about the story
A complex and haunting story set in 1844 Louisiana. If you are looking for the canon Sookie and Eric pairing, be warned, this is not it. It's a dark character study of the arranged marriage of 15 year old Sookie and and her dominating,  mysterious and quite possibly insane husband, Eric. On the other hand, you will probably question Sookie's views and question her cold-hearted nature.   A well written, sometimes shocking and emotional story of the love/hate relationship between this couple and the world they were born into.
Name of Reviewer:  Melinda
URL of Reviewer:
Reviewer’s email:

Monday, 12 March 2012

Reader Review

My thanks to the Lady KT for sending us this great review ....
Name of Story: Is This The End
Author of Story : LoveToReadAnythingEric
Main Characters: Sookie/Eric
URL of the story:
On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate the following?
1. Did the Summary give an accurate description of the story? Yes
2. How would you rate the writing? Good
3. How would you rate the plot? Very Good
4. Were the lemons well written? yes
5. Was the main female character well written? Yes.
6. Was the main male character well written? Yes
Overall Rating: How many Fangs would you give this story on a scale of 1-10? 8
Give us a few comments about the story
Very original story line. The summary gives a good description of what’s going on in the beginning. I’m not a big Claude fan, but in this story, he is a godsend. Hip hip Hurray for Claude. Scumbill and Niall are their normal cruddy selves but there is a third evil to round out the triad that you won’t see coming. I give this story a solid 8. It is a WIP but seems to be winding down. She updated on a fairly regular basis so bonus points for that (fairly regular to me is once a month).
Name of Reviewer: TheLadyKT aka Kelly Trobaugh

If you too have read a great story ... please complete the form below so that we can let others now about the story as well ..... LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Reader Review

Many thanks to Kajsa for being the first to offer a Review of one of her favorite stories …  
Name of Story: Pretty Kitty
Author of Story : Ficlit
Main Characters: Sookie, Eric
URL of the story:
On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate the following?
1. Did the Summary give an accurate description of the story? 8 - it's much more than just a lemon cart!
2. How would you rate the writing? 10 - you can really see and feel the characters emotions
3. How would you rate the plot? 10 - it's slow but interesting and enough to make this story so much more than just lemons
4. Were the lemons well written? 10
5. Was the main female character well written? 10
6. Was the main male character well written?10
Overall Rating: How many Fangs would you give this story on a scale of 1-10? 10!
Give us a few comments about the story
If there's one word to sum up Pretty Kitty it's intense! You will definitely need a cigarette/cold shower/extra bar of chocolate after each chapter. Ficlit, in her stories, takes you on a journey as captivating as Eric’s icy blue stare and there is no escaping the inevitable...
Name of Reviewer: Kajsa

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Have You Ever?

Have you ever read a story and wished you could tell others what a great story it was… well, here is your chance. If you scroll towards the bottom of this page you will find the Reader’s Review … simply answer the questions and we will publish your review. Whenever you read a story please give us a review here as well as reviewing on the author’s site so that others may enjoy the story as well ….
Please take a few moments now to fill out the form and LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD ….
Happy Reading School

Readers Review

Tell us about a great fanfic you have read. You can fill out the embedded form or go to