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Sunday 3 April 2011

Just a few of my favorites.... :)

This was the first FF story that I've read and it got me hooked to this fandom. It is set after FDTW (ignores DAG, which is very good) and it's all about E/S love, great plot and oh so amazing and HOT lemons! Epic story, a definite must read!!!

Sookie wakes up in New Orleans and realizes that she's a vampire now! Have no recollection of her Maker and how she is made! Since she's a new Vamp, she has to register her new status to Vampire Sheriff of Louisiana's Area 5.... nuff said!!! GO read it!!!

First OC story I've read! Our favorite Viking has a pet! Meet Victoria: beautiful British girl, young and shy but very eager to learn all that her Master is willing to show her! Very HOT story!!! Set before Eric meets Sookie, written from Victoria's point of view.... Smut lovers (me, me, me) this story is for you! Best to read it before bed... wet dreams are given!!! :)

Queen SA has sent Eric to "watch" over Sookie. He's a first Vampire that she met! Eric do a smart thing and tell Sookie why the Queen had sent him! She rewards it *wink, wink~nudge, nudge*!!! ;) A lot of lemons and great plot! All in one... Has my high recommendation!

Beautiful story! Vampires rule the earth and Eric is King of Louisiana! Sookie comes to live with her Gran, who is part of the staff in the palace... She is young, but instantly noticed by Eric! Different Eric and different Sookie and story of their great love! If you're not reading it, what are you waiting for?!?

Another OC story that I love! Very AU and very original! First of the series about troublesome and very sexy Lysene Nexus, who is true werewolf. Sentenced to death, she is given to Eric for babysitting... He took more than he can chew, but there's no going back now... *giggles*! A must read!!! I'm currently reading second part, btw... :)

I'll put the "official" summary from the author: "Eric Northman is the Vampire Sheriff of Area 5; Sookie Stackhouse is a 6-year-old child with a surprising talent. When they unexpectedly meet, it is the beginning of an unorthodox friendship... and more. Pre-Great Reveal/AU. " Relatively new story that got me hooked instantly! Very well written and has a great plot. I highly recommend reading it! You'll love it...

Very interesting and unusual story. A sort of twist on canon (if that's even possible)! Sookie is NY socialite, she seeks Eric's help to find perpetrator responsible for the killings of the girls that Jason is accused for. Eric is Prince of New York... A lot more, which you have to find out by reading it! :)

Ok, that's it for now! This is only a small part of what I like. And only with Vampires in them... next will be some of my favorite AH stories!


Jeca :)

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